Philosophy All great American Indian art is religious art, and the deity being celebrated is the earth. If you collect Navajo blankets, go to the Four Corners. If you collect historic pottery, visit the Pueblos. If you collect Northwest Coastal Art, go to British Columbia. By making the pilgrimage to the place where your art was made, you will renew the connection between the earth, the art, and the people who made it. This will open your eyes. And it will teach you more than any book, museum or expert can teach you. You will see why your art is great, and why you are privileged to be a collector. | |  Policies, Prices and Our Guarantee Joshua Baer & Company has been in business since 1987. One reason we are still in business is because we dont sell fakes or heavily restored pieces. Another reason is that we stand behind the art we buy and sell. Good art means something to people because good art is authentic. People crave authenticity because so many things about modern life are contrived. Thats why authenticity is more important to us than price. Our focus is on repeat business. Regardless of whether you are buying art from us or selling art to us, we want you to remember your transaction with us in a favorable light and do business with us again. Prices The prices we ask for the art we sell are retail prices. We base our retail prices on the replacement values of the works of art we sell. If you believe, for any reason, that you deserve to pay a lower price than the price we are asking, make us an offer. We consider all offers. We cant always accept them, but we will work with you to make the sale if your offer is made in good faith. Financing If you want to buy art from us and pay for it on an installment basis, tell us. We have a relationship with a lending institution who will finance your purchases for you, as long as you have a good credit history. It has been our experience that paying for works of art over time can be profitable for both buyers and sellers. Under certain circumstances, you can even take a tax deduction for the some of the charges associated with financing your purchase of a work of art. Payments, Shipments, & Insurance We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, the Discover Card, personal checks, gold coins, and cash. We ship via Federal Express. All shipments are insured against loss or damage in transit by our gallerys insurance policy. We are required by law to charge New Mexico State sales tax (6.5%) on all sales to clients who take delivery in the state of New Mexico. Consignments We accept items on consignment from collectors and dealers. We charge a 20% commission for the sale of all consigned items. We believe this commission structure compares favorably with the 30% to 40% in real costs that many consignors end up paying when they consign art to one of the auction companies. Appraisals Joshua Baer is available for appraisals, consultations, and representation at auction as either a buyer or a seller. Click here to learn more about our appraisal services. Our Guarantee When you buy art from Joshua Baer & Company, we give you a written invoice. On that invoice, anything you buy from us is guaranteed in writing to be genuine and as described. If you buy a work of art from us and find out later that the work of art you bought is a fake, or that it contains more restoration than we listed on our invoice, we will repurchase that work of art from you immediately for the price you paid, plus 10% per annum calculated from the day you paid for the fake or misrepresented item. Returns If you buy a work of art from us, keep it for a year, and decide that you paid too much for it, no longer like the item as much as you did when you bought it, or agree with some dealer who says you made a mistake when you bought it, we will buy that item back from you at the price you paid, no questions asked. All you have to do is return the item to us in the same condition it was in when we sold it to you. Payment in full will be made to you no later than 90 days after you return the item. The year-long holding period is there to discourage fickle clients from buying something and returning it two weeks later. (Yes, it does happen.) The bottom line is, we like the art we sell, and we are always interested in getting back pieces that weve sold. Tell Us Over the years, we have been lucky enough to count many of our clients as friends, and to count many of our friends as clients. Long-term relationships have kept us going through bad times and good times, so we listen to our clients and we take what they say seriously. If you have a criticism or a suggestion about Joshua Baer & Company, click here to tell us how you feel. Wed also like to hear your reactions to westernpictures.net. If theres a feature youd like to see added to our site, please let us know. | Appraisals | Collections of Art About Joshua Baer & Company | Contact ARCHIVES Palace Avenue Gallery | Marcy Street Gallery | The Dan Welch Opening Home |